Motivation Factors

In the Motivation Factors module we want you to be thinking hard about those work-related factors that really motivate you.

  • What are the things that do (or could) make you really enjoy your work?
  • What are the factors that do (or could) make you really want to succeed?
  • What are the things that can make you want to put in that extra bit of effort or commitment?

One important thing about identifying motivation factors is to make the distinction between those factors which really motivate you in a positive way and those which, if they are wrong for you or are absent, can really demotivate you.

These are important too, but they are not what we are looking for in this module.

To make this exercise more feasible, we ask you to select your motivators from a range of generic factors. Between them, they cover a very wide range of work-related motivators.

When you have chosen your key motivators from this list, we ask you to rank them in order of their importance to you.

When you have ranked them, we also ask you to give a score which reflects how much motivation you receive from this factor in your current situation.

Stage 1 - Identify which motivation factors really motivate you.

Select your top 6 most important factors from those listed below.

Responsibility (and being your own boss)
Relationship with manager (1:1)
Acknowledgement and appreciation
The work itself (the activities)
Company policies and administration
Personal life (balance)
Long term security
Relationships with colleagues
Personal growth/development
Relationships with subordinates
Management (quality of managers)
Work environment

You have selected

Stage 2 - Rank your motivators.

Give each of your motivation factors a rank from 1 to  6 in order of their importance to you.

1 is the most important - 6  is the least important.

Rank Motivator

Stage 3 - Score your motivators.

Give a score between 0 and 10 for each of your motivation factors based on how much motivation you receive in your current situation.

0 is no motivation - 10 is very strong motivation.

Rank Motivator


Stage 4 Motivation Factor Analysis

Rank Motivator


Overall Motivation Score (max 100)